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Enter an existing Jetton contract address.

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Mint your token
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Jetton name (Symbol)


Your project unabbreviated name with spaces (usually 1-3 words).

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Currency symbol appearing in balance (usually 3-5 uppercase chars).

Use example.

The decimal precision of your token (9 is TON default).

Use example.

Number of initial tokens to mint and send to your wallet address (float).

Use example.

Optional sentence explaining about your project.

Use example.

This is an open source tool

Jetton is the fungible token standard for TON Blockchain. This free educational tool allows you to deploy your own Jetton to mainnet in one click. You will need at least 0.25 TON for deployment fees.

For detailed instructions and in-depth explanations of all fields please see the GitHub README. It includes several best practice recommendations so please take a look.Never deploy code that you've never seen before! This deployer is fully open source with all smart contract code available here. The HTML form is also open source and served from GitHub Pages. Is this deployer safe? Yes! Read this to understand why.Learn more about other token-minting solutions in our article.

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